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Aus-wide movements
- coming soon -

For now, check out the QLD Title Deeds movement by ex Federal Senator Len Harris

Colonial Sandstone Cottage House

Title Deeds

All QLD home owners need to know this


Paper certificates cancelled

Anastasia Palasczuk, and the Queensland Government on 1st October 2019 passed legislation to cancel all paper Certificates of Title issued in Queensland...



... and replaced with a binary code on a private company computer.


Becoming law

Without due Parliamentary process, the Queensland Future Fund (Titles Registry) Act 2021 (Future Fund Act) became law.


What's it mean?

This effectively allows for the pay down of Labor Party induced Qld debt by diverting all monies collected from fees paid through the Land Titles Registry to a private company (Queensland Titles Registry Pty Ltd), instead of being collected as Consolidated revenue.

Silent Majority info.png

Download the above brochure here

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